Home Page World War II Armed Forces — Orders of Battle and Organizations Last Updated 08.02.2015
German Army
1936 Scout Platoon, Motor Transport Battalion
KStN 1035 dated 01.10.1936
1 Platoon Leader (Z)(Pistol)
Platoon Headquarters
    1 NCO as First Sergeant (Pistol)
    2 Motorcyclists (Rifle)(on motorcycle)
    1 Motor Vehicle Driver (Rifle)
    2 motorcycles
    1 car, medium
5 Scout Sections, each with
    1 NCO as Scout Section Leader (Rifle)
    2 NCO as Scouts (Rifles)
    3 Motorcyclists (Rifles)(on motorcycles)
    3 Motor Vehicle Drivers (Rifles)
    3 motorcycles
    3 cars, light
Platoon Trains
    1 Motor Sergeant / Trains Leader / for Gas Protection (Rifle)(on motorcycle with sidecar)
    1 Pay Clerk & vehicle escort (Rifle)
    1 Rations Clerk & vehicle escort (Rifle)
    2 Motor Vehicle Drivers (Rifles)
    1 motorcycle with sidecar
    1 truck, light, for fuel and equipment
    1 truck, light, for rations and baggage
1 Officer, 17 NCO, 37 Enlisted Men;
2 Pistols, 53 Rifles;
18 motor vehicles, 17 motorcycles, 1 motorcycle with sidecar.